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Snoreguards & Sleep Apnea Therapy in Bloomfield Hills

Are you tired, stressed out, and moody because of interrupted sleep? Sleep apnea, a condition in which breathing stops for periods of 10 seconds or longer, can interrupt deep sleep that makes people feel rested. Non-surgical dental appliances have proven more effective than surgery for many sleep apnea patients.

What is Sleep Apnea?

When a sleeping person stops breathing for 10 or more seconds, they have “apnea.” OSAS, or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, is one type of sleep apnea. Lack of adequate breath during sleep reduces airflow, causing the brain to tell the body to wake up and breathe. In some cases, sleep apnea patients only move into a lighter stage of sleep, while other times, patients wake completely.

What’s the Problem?

Many factors may contribute to airway blockage, from the size of passages and oral or airway structures, to swelling of passageways or position of the tongue. Disrupted deep sleep can affect mood, health, and cause daytime sleepiness. The added stress and fatigue can cause lack of concentration, loss of memory, and accidents in the workplace or while driving. Other health risks include high blood pressure and heart problems, and even a risk of premature death. The sleep apnea patient’s snores can disturb a sleeping partner’s rest, too.

Non-Surgical Sleep Apnea Therapies

A few tests can determine whether you suffer from OSAS, and non-surgical therapies may alleviate the problem. A nasal mask ( cPAP) can deliver air to keep nasal passages open during sleep. Also effective and often more comfortable, patients may now wear dental appliances that reposition the tongue or mandible (lower jawbone). A Swedish study showed that the anterior mandibular positioning dental device (AMP) is actually more effective than surgical therapies. The same study stated that adverse health effects and appliance repairs were rare.

According to experts, sleep apnea is an under-diagnosed condition, and more men than women suffer; a sleep apnea device may improve your quality of life. It’s just another way your dentist can help you smile.

Sleep Apnea FAQ’s

How Do I Know if I Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea can often be incredibly difficult to notice on your own, so many times, it’s up to your sleeping partner to be able to recognize the warning signs. Be on the look out for loud snoring, gasping for breath during the night, restlessness, moodiness, lack of sex drive, and inability to focus during the day. The sooner you or your loved one notices these symptoms, the sooner you can get back to a full night of rest with our sleep apnea treatment.

Am I at a Higher Risk of Developing Sleep Apnea?

While it is possible for anyone to develop sleep apnea at any age, there are some factors that can make you more susceptible to this disorder, including:

  • Obesity
  • Being over the age of 40
  • Being male
  • Genetic history
  • Thicker neck circumference
  • Smoking
  • Heavy use of alcohol
  • Certain drugs or prescription medications

If you can identify that you have some of these risk factors, try to control the ones that you can and visit our office to see if you’re affected by sleep apnea. For example, stopping the use of tobacco and losing weight can dramatically lower your risk of this sleeping disorder.

How Can I Achieve a Better Night’s Sleep?

The best way to achieve the rest you deserve is to visit our office for sleep apnea therapy. We can provide you with a solution that allows you to count sheep in peace. However, there are some other steps you can take to give yourself the best chance at a great night’s sleep. Try not to drink caffeine after noon and work some exercise into your daily routine. That way, once your head hits the pillow, your body will feel like it’s time to rest! You can also try any activities that provide stress relief like meditating, gardening, or any other calming hobbies you enjoy.

Why Should I Get Sleep Apnea Treatment with a Dentist?

It may seem surprising that we can help you achieve a better night’s rest with the help of a dentist, but they specialize in your oral health and the connected area. In the past, sleep apnea was only treated using the CPAP machine—a device that forces air through a nasal mask into your airway to help you breathe. This can often be uncomfortable and inconvenient. However, treatment from our office utilizes custom-made oral appliances that prop the jaw open for easy breathing. It’s comfortable to wear, simple to use, and easy to travel with.

If you have any other questions about sleep apnea in Bloomfield Hills, don’t hesitate to contact our office today!

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